Private Practicing Dietician - specialising in Functional Nutrition
Weight management
Health and Wellness, Supplementation
Sports Nutrition
Chronic disease of lifestyle
Gastro Intestinal Disease including IBS, Diverticulitis, celiac, constipation, bloating, diarrhoea
Gluten Intolerance
Lactose intolerance
Nutrition in Pregnancy
Oncology and coping with chemo
inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. Judith has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the Natural Medicine industry. For 13 years she owned Healthy Life and has been using the Nutritional Live Blood Analysis as an assessment tool for many years.
Through her own journey with health challenges, she discovered the benefits of mind, body and soul nutrition and wellness.
4Pitlochry rd , Rondeboscg , Cape Town , The Western Cape , South Africa ,